The happy prince读后感英文版

时间:2024-03-07 09:44:48 读后感 我要投稿
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The happy prince读后感英文版

  当看完一本著作后,大家一定对生活有了新的感悟和看法,何不写一篇读后感记录下呢?怎样写读后感才能避免写成“流水账”呢?以下是小编精心整理的The happy prince读后感英文版,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

The happy prince读后感英文版

  Recently I read a fairytale-《TheHappy Prince》. Its author is Oscar Wilde, he waswell-known as an Irish-born playwright, novelist, essayist and poet. The son ofa brilliant surgeon, he was among the outstanding Victorian dramatists. He lefta lot of valuable works for people, and among them, 《TheHappy Prince》 is the most famous one.

  Before reading it, I thought about thequestion-what's the Prince's happiness? At first I thought it must be aromantic love between the prince and princess. However, it turned out to be asad story. The prince loved others so much that he devoted everything to thethe happiness of the poor. I was deeply moved by his pure heart.

  This book mainly tells the story between the prince and the swallow. Theyare the symbols of truth, goodness and beauty. As a matter of fact, the princeis just a statue standing high above the city. When he was alive, he was ahappy prince living in the palace of Sans-Souci and he didn't know what tears were.Now as a statue, his body was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold,for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on hissword-hilt. After seeing all the ugliness and all the misery of the city, hewas deeply grievedby the sufferingsofthepoor people.The littleswallow was going to Egypt to enjoy the warm spring. He was touched by theprince's goodness. Therefore he chose to stay with the prince and became themessenger of the prince. They helped the poor together by giving the ruby,sapphires and all the golden leaves from the Prince's body. Finally, the poorwere saved and lived a happy life. To the contrary, the swallow died of coldand his body was thrown on a dust-heap and the prince became very dull andshabby, so the statue was pulled down and his leaden heart was thrown togetherwith the swallow. But the dead bird and the leaden heart were chosen as themost precious things in the world by the god. So maybe they would be togetherwith each other in the heaven and live a happy life again.

  The prince is a very helpful, kind andselfless person in the story. He is willing to give everything he had to thepoor. The story is divided into four parts to show the prince's dedication. In thefirst part, the prince saw a thin and worn woman seated at the table. She wasbusy working on a gown for the queen's maids-of-honor. Her little boy is seriouslyill. So the prince begged the little swallow to give the woman his ruby. In thesecond part, the prince saw a young man in a cold, shabby house trying tofinish a play for the director of the theatre. He was too cold and hungry towrite any more. The prince asked for the swallow to give him his sapphire. Inthe third part, the prince saw a poor little match girl crying, because shespoiled her matches. Her father would beat her if she didn't bring home somemoney. So once again, the prince requested the little swallow to give heranother sapphire. Then the prince became totally blind. In spite of that, inthe fourth part, the prince made the swallow to tell him what life peoplelived. Then he asked the swallow to give all his golden leaves to the poor. Afterthat he became so ugly, just like a beggar.

  The swallow is very faithful, caring inmy opinion. He also sacrificed himselffor the benefits of others. But his selfless acts were inspired by the happyprince. His love to the prince was great and touching. It was the swallow whospread the love and kindness of the prince to the poor. So he was as great asthe happy prince. He was waited for in Egypt by his companions, where he couldenjoy the warm spring, the beautiful scenery and live a happy life. But he wasfilled with pity to the prince. At first, he refused prince's offer threetimes, but finally he chose to help the prince. In addition, when the princebecame blind, he didn't go to Egypt but stay with the prince regardless of thechill winter. Finally, he died in the city.

  In the story, many contrasts are used. Atfirst, the statue of the prince was admired by many people, especially the councilor.But at last, when the statue became shabby, it was mercilessly pulled down by people.The author compared the prince and the swallow with some people such as the councilor,the mayor and the queen's maids-of-honor. He praised the kindness, selflessnessof the former and satirized the indifference and selfishness of the latter. Theauthor also compared the poor to the rich. It reflected the society of thetime. The poor worked hard, but they lived a hard life. The rich always bled peopleand enjoyed themselves.

  Do well and have well. Although thedead bird and the leaden heart of the prince were thrown on the dust-heap, theywere considered as the most precious things in the city by god. Mostimportantly, they had a happy ending.

  "The Happy Prince" is amoving and provoking tale about love and sacrifice. The language of the storyis both extremely beautiful and sad. This book attracts many readers with itsflexuous plot, exquisite language, and vivid characters. Oscar Wilde brings us abeautiful feast. At the same time, he inspires us to think the moral and lifephilosophy deeply.

  Oscar Wilde is an outstanding aesthete.He emphasizes human's soul and body should be combined into one. You are onlybeautiful when you have a beautiful soul. Nothing in the world is morebeautiful than a kind heart. So the happy prince and the swallow are therepresentatives of real beauty. In the end of the story, Oscar Wilde'saesthetic ideas are fully expressed. He thinks only beautiful things have thevalue of existence and beauty is eternal. The happy prince and the swallow arebrought into paradise by the angel. So they will stay in the paradisepermanently.

  “The Happy Prince” embodies both theaestheticism and realism. It is a good book to purify people's heart. Your willbe beautiful when your heart is full of love. So we should learn to create abeautiful world with love.

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