
时间:2024-05-26 17:33:40 读后感 我要投稿
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  A few days ago, I read Jack London's "love life" novella. It is a sad story depicted in rough brush strokes.

  This novella about a gold digger friend during the journey was abandoned in the deep mountains and forests.

  This is the end of autumn. The cold winter is coming, plus the minor injuries on his body, he can hardly support it any longer. At this point, he encountered a more difficult matter - food is gone.

  At this time he found suffer hunger and cold, has a head of the sick wolf along with him. In the end, two lives that were dying were fighting for survival......

  He won the gold, such as savage as the bite of it (Wolf)......

  He put down his dignity and drank his blood.


  I think the story tells us one thing:

  No matter when, life is always the most precious. For it, we should learn to make a choice". In the desperate situation, in order to save life, we should put down happiness, put down our dignity, lay down our fame and wealth, and lay down our money......

  This reminds me of another used to read the story, said a farmer firewood in my leg when caught in the tree crevices, wouldn't come out, he finally chose to cut the legs to escape......

  In fact, in life, we always have to face we can not take care of their own ideals can be obtained at the same time things, we need to distinguish between what is best, what is the most important, what next, do not blindly pursue, otherwise it is not what.

  Only in this way can our life be successful and be more brilliant......



















  "Love of life" is an article on the Chinese textbook, although only then talk about a few pages, but it is only a few pages, so I felt the value of life and survival of the fittest in natural selection cruelty, and those of the other side of the unknown nature.

  This is a tragedy of survival cruel, a gold partner who was abandoned, alone in the vast uninhabited wild Huang li. Facing the test of life and death, but he survived a close call. What does he rely on? Is it food? Is it water? There were these, but more importantly, his strong consciousness, his sense of survival, brought him back from the brink of death. As the fifth paragraph of the passage states, "it is his life that drives him forward, for he is not willing to die."." Because of this, his spark of life will flash.

  Passage third: "these bones were still a little reindeer an hour ago, screaming and dashing, very active."." This sentence is the description of the bones, in a very short period of time, the nature can make a living life for a pair of flesh dominating bones. This pair of bones in the performance of the nature of the survival of the fittest in natural selection, also shows us the fragility of life. It's so small, it can't stand the blow. This contrasts sharply with the indomitable spirit of the gold rush people, thus showing the love and yearning for the life of the gold rush man.

  In the tenth period, the gold partner who wrote essays, his name is Bill, but he is not a faithful partner, threw its hero ahead, but Bill still died, this passage again to show us the cruelty of life - life and death in unknown circumstances, but also to friends betrayal, that is not a good thing.

  The climax of this article, however, is the duel between the gold rush and the sick wolf. People have been dying, but also with a wolf fight fight at outrance, which is forced to. People need wolf meat to replenish energy. Wolves need human flesh to last life. But the wolf is only a wolf after all, no one is smart after all. The gold man used his own life as bait to lure the wolf, and finally the wolf fell......

  After reading this passage, I really think we should love life and love life.









  Someone once said, "I love life, love the truth of life and the chance of life, and even the beauty of the moment."." This is proof of love life. After reading this novel, I feel very deep about it.

  This article is mainly about a gold digger, in order to avoid the coming winter, alone in the boundless wilderness, brave the wind and dew, and hurriedly, but it is difficult and slow to rush to the southeast. He had no food on his side, and dug weeds on the way to catch raw fish and eat them for life. After dark, he fell on the ground or rock to spend the cold night. Along the way, he and big brown bear, wolf and other wild animals fought and fought hard. He stumbled first, and then had to crawl on the ground with his limbs, because of his lack of strength. Finally he could only move on the ground unconsciously. He fought unimaginable struggles with extreme hunger and fatigue. With the survival instincts and indomitable perseverance, as well as the dim hope that he eventually to survive in the wilderness, struck up the love life of a triumph.

  This novel has given me a profound inspiration: in order to achieve a goal in life, we must struggle with all the difficulties of life on the road to life and death. The hero of the novel, in the face of many difficulties and hardships, want to give up his life, choose death is more easy thing, but he did not willingly die, he chose to fight. Therefore, when faced with life, work difficulties and even life-threatening, we can not sit still; only resistance, in order to win! Let us always love the great and tenacious life; let the tree of life be evergreen.


  This Saturday, I read Jack London's short story, love life. The story is not long, but I was deeply moved.

  The story happened in the northern United States, a man with a hard gold Amoy to gold and another fellow named Bill embarked on a long and difficult way. However, he sprained his ankle by accident, and his companion deserted him. Walk alone in the wilderness, on the verge of death, he had lost all gold Amoy to the light. Along the way, the hungry, and the beast fight, brave the wind and dew, finally survive in despair.

  I read in this story the love of life in the gold rush. Life is fragile, and if you don't cherish it, life will be vulnerable to all kinds of harsh tests of nature. However, the gold rush lived tenaciously in the face of all kinds of tests. In order to save energy, he swallowed berries, roots, fish, live grouse, animal bones; in order to save energy, he cleverly threw away hard-earned gold; and the beast to fight his spirits, scare bear, and with enough patience with the hungry wolf offices in the end...... It all springs from the desire to live!

  People with a gold wolf fight left me a deep impression. The sick and hungry wolf wanted to eat him all the time, and he wanted to eat the wolf because they wanted to live. The wolf is the animal in the most patient, but gold also showed amazing and terrible patience, he has almost completely tired, a wolf to attack him, Niner indomitable will issued a final blow unexpected, he killed the wolf, the wolf swallowed the warm blood. He survived.

  What a tenacious love for life! It is this love that enables the gold rush to overcome difficulties and get out of the difficult position, thus gaining precious lives! It's huge. Live it anyway. Just like the hero in the article, why does he survive? It all springs from his desire for life. It was this desire that enabled the gold rush to overcome difficulties and get out of the difficult position, thus gaining precious lives. So we're going to tough and unyielding and indomitable life does not give up the gold, so that we have time to treat any idea to give up life, cherish the love of his life, the courage to face the difficulties and setbacks, do not flinch, brave to overcome difficulties and strive forward to success!


  Recently, I read an article entitled "love life". This article mainly talks about..:

  A gold digger was abandoned by his companion Bill because his foot was sprained. On a difficult return, the food was eaten, but the man gave up. He lived on berries and minnows, worked hard with big brown bears, and fought unimaginable struggles with hunger and fatigue. Just when his body was very weak, he found a wolf following him, trying to eat him. In order to go back alive, the man finally won the battle with the wolf, and drank the blood of the wolf, and finally got the rescue.

  Read this article, I want to: life is so fragile, if you do not cherish life, harsh nature of all kinds of tests, you will be mercilessly eliminated. On the way back, there was a lot of danger. If he didn't have a tenacious will to live, he would probably starve to death or be eaten by wild beasts, and his dreams for the rest of his life would be broken. However, the gold rush lived tenaciously in the face of all kinds of tests.

  Especially the way people struggle and the gold left me a very deep impression. The sick and hungry wolf tried to eat him all the time, and he wanted to eat the wolf, because they wanted to live. The wolf is the animal in the most patient, but gold also showed amazing and terrible patience, and finally had killed the wolf.

  Read this article, I feel the strong perseverance, victory over death is extremely strong, survival desire is enormous, in any case have to live, like the hero in the article, why can he survive? It all springs from his desire for life. It was this desire that enabled the gold rush to overcome difficulties and get out of the difficult position, thus gaining precious lives. So we're going to tough and unyielding and indomitable life does not give up the gold, so that we have time to treat any idea to give up life, cherish the love of his life, the courage to face the difficulties and setbacks, do not flinch, brave to overcome difficulties and strive forward to success!


















  In the composition class, our class read Montaigne wrote the "love of life".

  There are some people who ignore the time; some people are respectful of the time; some people pass the time at will; some people race against time and time...... The author reflects on himself and suggests that we all love life and treasure time.

  In life, I found that some people take the time to launch out, and I certainly think this is wrong, because it is a waste of time, go away from your side. Everyone said: "time is money, Time is money", but in real life, how many people cherish the time? A lot of time is spent on computer games, and lots of time is spent playing beer and skittles. Swallows go, but there is a time to come again. Willow trees are dry, but there is a time more green; peach blossoms are forgotten, but there is a time when they bloom. Our time is gone for ever. Mo, a juvenile white head, empty sadness!

  If you ignore time and idle time, success will unwittingly move away from you. On the other hand, if you control your time, success will get closer to you. As Lu Xun said, "where is genius?"! I'm using someone else's coffee for work." Successful people are really successful time controllers.

  From today on, from now on, love life, cherish time, be the dominator of success!


  Today, I read the "love of life" this book, the author is Jack London, written by a person of Pan Northern Wilderness and big bear, wolf fight, and that the number of food to survive, finally reached the beach, was a whaling ship saved, live down in the Northern Wilderness of Qin song love the paean of life.

  After reading this book, I admire the hero very much. Because he cherish the love of his life, even to death clutches, he still wants to fight, refused to yield! How strong he is. Our society today, but there are some people in the face of setbacks or because of a little sesame mung bean size of things to jump from the Dutch act...... These people are so not cherish own life, because they are not as the hero of indomitable will, not to face adversity frustration courage, have strong vitality and vigorous, optimistic about the spirit, their willpower is very weak, encountered a little difficult to give up, these people's life is as light as a feather that is not worth a hair.

  The story of the heroine love life, firm and inflexible spirit let me understand a truth: to cherish, cherish own life, the courage to face the difficulties and setbacks, do not flinch, to be a man of indomitable spirit.








  This article is about the story of a gold digger who lost his way in the wilderness and finally survived.

  After reading this article, I suddenly awe for the gold, I read a great man. The gold digger can survive from the last gasp, and is surrounded by a wilderness, and a sick wolf. Faced with such a difficult environment. The prospectors if not by its own indomitable will and the instinct of survival, then in the knees on the pants worn after, after the sick wolf chase, after the knees of meat are worn, the gold would have become the sick wolf eats. The belly of the meal.

  This tribute to the great man from the gold body, we can see a dying man, complete with the will and sense of survival instinct, overcome the nature for his challenges, a noble image of the great final live. This text is written on the surface of the struggle between men and wolves, but in fact it is a struggle between man and nature, the struggle between life and death. The purpose is the theme, in order to highlight the greatness of man.

  I admire the gold digger and sympathize with him. He and his good friend Bill to come to this, but for the gold, Bill betrayed him by his good friends, that is what kind of pain, a disappointment, and he saw the remains of Bill may be when he is not willing to suck them to obtain the right to survive, that he is very focused on friendship, friendship, but also to show in front of the interests of the dark side of your heart.

  After reading this text, I understand that we should set up the consciousness of protecting all life in nature, and should not change them. In order to make the world more lively and energetic, please protect them more! Because every living thing has the right to live and the instinct to survive, just like the wolf in this article. composition













