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  dear colleagues:

  i have known ms. zhang since 20xx, when she was admitted as a master of science

  candidate into the school. as her research adviser, i directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. during her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general gpa 3.3. she particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as quantum chemistry and theory of electrochemistry.

  materials project for his degree thesis “theoretical study of electronic structures of several representative metal element in the hydrotalcite slabs”. to make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. during her m.s. period, she had three papers published in international journals.

  judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, i am convinced that ms. zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. i therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application. from: x x x x

  department of the special class gifted for youths

  university of science and technology

  hefei, anhui 230026, p.r. china

  july 1,


  it is with great pleasure that i write to recommend courtney alexander to you. i have known courtney for the past two years and have had the pleasure of having her in my united states history class during her junior year. during that time i have found her to be a bright, diligent, affable young woman.

  courtney is not afraid of hard work, and is a team player. her ability to work with her peers is a trait that will benefit her as she moves on to the next level. throughout the year, she worked collaboratively with those seated around her in reviewing notes, going over possible examination material, and working through some of the more difficult concepts. through her contributions to this ad hoc group, courtney helped not only herself, but also others around her who were not progressing and improving as quickly as she was.

  courtney alexander is undoubtedly a student with the potential for great success at the next level. her natural abilities combined with her work ethic and ability to evolve academically and socially are a recipe for success in the years to come. i enthusiastically recommend her for admission to indiana university.

  if you have any questions or concerns in regards to courtney, please feel free to contact me at (xxx) xxxxxxxx. thank you for your time.


  william r. morrison, iii

  college consultant


  November 30, 20xx

  To Whom It May Concern:

  I would like to enthusiastically recommend Pei Yi for admission to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California Berkeley. Pei Yi not only has academic background and technical qualifications for admission to your program, but also has demonstrated the independence, perseverance, and other personal characters necessary to succeed in Sciences.

  I have worked with Pei Yi for one and a half years since he began the Principal Fund Project in 20xx. I think he has developed a mature character as a young academic research worker. Pei Yi is a very diligent student in our lab. He is almost the last one leaving the lab every day. To acquaint himself with the work more quickly, he chose my graduate course: Electron Physics. Though he has an excellent scholastic aptitude, I was afraid that the course was a little difficult for an undergraduate student. As things went by, I found my worry was quite unnecessary. He studied relevant courses such as quantum mechanics by himself and got the highest score for my course. An intelligent young man with hard-working spirit can always live a fruitful and effective life.

  I’m deeply impressed by his ability to work independently. I was very busy last year for official work, and have little time to guide him. However every time I see him, he was working or reading in the lab. He told me that he learned by himself through reading the academic journal and learned from other groups in our laboratory. In addition, he has a strong desire for good quality of academic work. He attended every seminar and had a successful corporation with researchers from other groups.

  A flexible and adaptable people can do any work assigned to him, so does Mr. Pei. During the period of his principal fund research, he established the suitable model for field emission, and finished the simulation of space charge effect. He also made prominent progress on calculation of field-enhancement factor and wrote two papers. One paper is accepted by “Series of The First Principal Fund Papers” and another paper is to be submitted to an international journal. This is also a demonstration of his Science and English ability.

  It is my belief that Pei Yi's combination of the technical skills with a high level of moral standards has been critical to his personal and professional development and he will succeed in any task due to these abilities and characters. If you require any further information about the student, please feel free to contact me.

  Sincerely Yours

  Gangming Zhang

  Professor of Physicselectronics

  Department of Electronics

  Peking University

  Beijing 100871, P. R. China

  Phone: (8610)6275 1773

  E-mail: zgmin@pku.edu.cn


  To Whom this May Concern:

  My name isxxx, and I am the English teacher of Class 2, Senior 3, xxx Secondary School. I know xxx very well given that I have been teaching her English since Senior 1.

  She has always been the top student in my class; and, as my assistant, she has always been of great help to me. Her outstanding presentation on the esteemed director Tim Burton impressed me deeply, for her English speaking ability is superior to her fellow students, as well as her knowledge of western culture.

  Different from many students suffering from English learning, xxx takes great delight in English. She is versatile and able to integrate her various hobbies into English learning. For example, she won many prizes in the National Teenagers’ Painting Competition, and she is a popular cartoon expert. With her power of influence, she illustrated cartoons for English books and donated her publishing funds to public charity.

  xxx likes reading very much and reads a great deal of English and Chinese books in her spare time. She shows her special affinity for history and reads world history and American history books in English. In addition, she is an enthusiastic and warm-hearted girl who always participates or arranges charity activities passionately. For example, in order to throw a great party with the children in SOS Children’s Institution, she and several classmates devoted themselves to designing interactive games, as well as selecting music and songs, which brought fun and wonderful moments to the children. What’s more, she still keeps contact with the kids there and they just love her for her enthusiasm and kindness. She once told me that it is a great pleasure to help those who are in need.

  When xxx informed me that she is preparing for furthering her education in the US, I thought it would indeed be great for her. Due to my knowledge of the US educational system, I am confident that she will be even better since the education there gives her far more options to accomplish what she is interested in. Therefore, I recommend her to further her studies in the US, and I sincerely hope that you will admit her forthwith.

  You may contact me via e-mail: ........, or cell phone: .......; and my address is..........., Tianjin, China.

  Referrer: xxx



  (English Teacher)

  Chinese International School, Singapore

  Telephone: 86-


  December 5, 20xx

  Re: Chen Yifan

  To whom it may concern,

  This reference letter is tendered on behalf of Yifan Chen, who has earned a highly favorable reference from me, due to his outstanding performance at Chinese International School.

  I have known Yifan for over two years as a student in my English class.

  He has demonstrated proficiency in all aspects of her English class and has achieved success in our school academically, and also has shown excellent personal growth and intellectual curiosity during his time here.

  Yifan’s dedication to developing his language skills and his desire to acquire knowledge in a variety of fields has led him to be an asset to every classroom situation.

  He has an intense thirst for knowledge, the spirit of enrnest study and a positive attitude with independent thinking towards learning to explore.

  He usually focuses attention on training the basic knowledge and accumulating bit by bit.

  He often has interaction with teachers to discuss problems, expressed own views aggressively.

  I firmly believeYifan’s excellent English proficiency will suit him well for studying abroad.

  I find Yifan Chen is an excellent team player, and a natural leader.

  I often divide the class into several groups, asking them to do team assignments.

  Yifan can cooperate effectively with all members of his team, and knows how to identify and utilize everyone’s specialtalents.

  His positive, open style of working ensures buy-in from all participants, and creates an atmosphere where everyone is committed to achieving the same goal.

  In my observation and conversation with Yifan, I know he cherishes lofty ideals and aspirations, and makes unremitting efforts for them.

  I believe that provided with a wider stage, the versatility and potential will help him to obtain greater development and he will create his own wonderful life blueprint.

  I therefore strongly recommend him application without any reservation.

  His integrity, dedication and desire for academic success would also be an asset to your university.

  Your favorable consideration of his application will be greatly appreciated.

  If you have any questions regarding this reference, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  Best regards


To whom it may concern:

  he capacity of professor at the Department of Economics who has instructed Ms. Janet Jackson in the course of International Economics during the academic year of 1991 to 1992, I am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce her to your prestigious MBA establishment. Janet was a stand-out student in my class. She received a very high score in my course and was ranked in the top ten percent of the class. In addition to being a professor, I am also a faculty advisor of the Department of Economics Student Council. It was in this capacity that I grew to know Janet even better. Although only teaching Janet for one course, I feel that I know her personality, personal attributes and attitudes through my contact with her outside of the classroom.

  Unlike most of her peers, Janet has demonstrated a great deal of independent thinking as a student at ABC University. For the courses in which she had a particular interest, she was fully devoted to excelling in those courses. I would go so far as to say that she was a perfectionist in this regard. Her only weakness is that in courses that she felt were less suited to her interests, she did not study has hard as she would perhaps have been able to do. I noticed that her performance was less than satisfactory in both statistics and calculus. This surprised me because Janet has strong quantitative skills as demonstrated in my international economics course. Her performance in this class was exceptional.

  Janet perhaps stands out most with regard to her extracurricular activities. She was a varsity table tennis team player all four years she was a student at ABC. She represented the university in a national collegiate table tennis tournament each year. In 1990, she received a silver medal in the women's singles tournament, and in 1991, she received fourth place in a women's doubles tournament. Janet was also a member of the university's debate team. As a freshman, she received the award for best debater in the intramural freshman debate cup. As I recall, she was also an editor of her department's journal.

  Janet has strong analytical, research and writing skills. I am very happy to see that Janet has had such a successful career development since her graduation from ABC. I believe that Janet will succeed in whatever endeavors she applies herself to and heartily recommend her to your university.

  your sincerely,




  (English Teacher)

  Chinese International School, Singapore

  Telephone: 86-


  December 5, 20xx

  Re: Chen Yifan

  To whom it may concern,

  This reference letter is tendered on behalf of Yifan Chen, who has earned a highly favorable reference from me, due to his outstanding performance at Chinese International School. I have known Yifan for over two years as a student in my English class. He has demonstrated proficiency in all aspects of her English class and has achieved success in our school academically, and also has shown excellent personal growth and intellectual curiosity during his time here.

  Yifan’s dedication to developing his language skills and his desire to acquire knowledge in a variety of fields has led him to be an asset to every classroom situation. He has an intense thirst for knowledge, the spirit of enrnest study and a positive attitude with independent thinking towards learning to explore. He usually focuses attention on training the basic knowledge and accumulating bit by bit. He often has interaction with teachers to discuss problems, expressed own views aggressively. I firmly believeYifan’s excellent English proficiency will suit him well for studying abroad.

  I find Yifan Chen is an excellent team player, and a natural leader. I often divide the class into several groups, asking them to do team assignments. Yifan can cooperate effectively with all members of his team, and knows how to identify and utilize everyone’s special

  talents. His positive, open style of working ensures buy-in from all participants, and creates an atmosphere where everyone is committed to achieving the same goal.

  In my observation and conversation with Yifan, I know he cherishes lofty ideals and aspirations, and makes unremitting efforts for them. I believe that provided with a wider stage, the versatility and potential will help him to obtain greater development and he will create his own wonderful life blueprint. I therefore strongly recommend him application without any reservation. His integrity, dedication and desire for academic success would also be an asset to your university. Your favorable consideration of his application will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this reference, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  Best regards



  Senior Counselor XX High School

  Room XXX, No.

  XX, XX Road

  Shanghai 200040, P.R.ChinaJune XX XXXX

  To whom it may concern,

  Ms.X has been my student since XXXX.

  She is one of my most favorite students and on hearing that she is planning to pursue further study in your esteemed high school, I feel quite pleased to share with you my perspectives of Ms.X.

  I taught her English for two years.

  Since I am always interested in student-oriented teaching method, I prefer the predomination of students’ discussions during the classes.

  Group discussions concerning peer evaluations were organized, which offered me excellent opportunity to observe my students’ understanding of literature works and their unique perspectives concerning it.

  That’s how I gradually noticed Ms.

  X and paid special attention to her.

  She was a very active student and eager to express her own opinion.

  Her essay titled A Talk on the Love Value of Ancient Woman was a perfect demonstration of her self-judgment.

  Her writing skills also set that essay a model, and I read it in my class.

  Ms.X once told me that she is very interested in English Literature very much.

  So I encourage her to learn more and broaden her views by studying abroad.

  I have contacted some of our graduates now studying in the United State, hoping that they could give Ms.

  X suggestions and helps.

  Now she has made her decision and I know I should give her unremitting supports.

  I, therefore, give you my full support for Ms.

  X for her application for your high school program.

  I am convinced with her insight and passion in academic as well as her abundant experience she will definitely be a satisfying candidate.

  If you have any further questions towards her, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


  English Teacher

  Email: XXX@gmail.




  dear sir or madame,

  it is with great pleasure that i write to recommend courtney alexander to you.

  i have known courtney for the pst two years and have had the pleasure of having her in my united states history class during her junior.

  in the class she ws one of the most outstanding students.

  at the semester final she earned high grade of 91, which should be "a" according to our grading system.

  i also found her good at other studies.

  after classes, she had personal talks with me many times.

  she indicated a great interest in teching.

  during tht time i found her to be a bright, diligent, friendly youn woman.

  besides, courtney is not afraid of hard work, and is a team plyer.

  her ability to work with her clssmates is a special quality that will benefit her as she moves on to the next level.

  throughout the year, she worked cooperatively with those seated around her in reviewing notes, going over possible examination materials, and working through some of the more difficult concepts.

  through her contributions to my class, the promissing young girl helped not only herself, but also others around her who were not progressing and improving as quickly as she could.

  courtney alexander is undoubtedly a student with the potential for great success at the next level.

  in my opinion, courtney alexander was born a teacher, which can be further developed and she is sure to give all of you a big surprise in the years to come.

  so i enthusistically recommend her for admission to your university.

  if you have any questions or concerns in regards to courtney, plese feel free to contact me at xxxxxxxxxx.

  thank you for your time.



  I have meet Miss HAO Xiaoni’s for four years, being his teacher in “Database Structure” and her tutor in the experiment of “Digital Electronics”.In the class, her thinking was very active and she completely understood what I said in the lecture. She showed her strong interest in computer science and often did further discussion with me after the class. In particular, her experimental methods were so innovative and creative that the experiment done by her was often more intensive than required. I was much impressed by her because of her quick thinking, serious logic and independence. Besides, she was able to sort out various problems in the experiment, having the ability in debugging of both software and hardware.


  to whom it may concern,

  i am quite willing to be able to write this letter of recommendation for xxx who is applying for admissions to your management school at lancaster university.

  xxx took my course of principles of financial management during the xxxx . in my class, she did excellent work. she always listened attentively, participated actively in class. in my opinion, xxx is a hard-working self-starter who invariably understands exactly what a project is all about. in particular, miss x impressed me with her carefulness in scrutinizing things around her. she possesses the ability to discover essential problems from the subtle details. moreover, miss x consistently finished every assignment in high quality. the good ability of systematical management supports her to achieve success. during the period, miss x demonstrated her capacity in her solid knowledge of financial management, and got the higher score of xx in the final exam.

  based on the foregoing,i am therefore very pleased to recommend xxx for admission to the management school of lancaster university. if any further information is required, please feel free to contact me.

  sincerely yours,


  This letter is to serve as my recommendation for Mr. Yang Jiangjin. He came to my course The Introduction of Sociology with a lot of interest and motivation, completed approximately 54 hours of work directly related to Sociology and proved himself to be an excellent student. He was always present at all my courses, stayed focused and concentrated during the lessons and listened attentively.

  In my class, Mr. Yang Jiangjin tended to think outside the box and displayed his critical thinking skills. We often discussed some hot topics like political reform, human right, sustainable development and so on, he not only showed concern for these issues but also liked challenging the consensus and expressing his own opinion, he knew how to make use of information and he was able to deduce conclusions logically from what he had already known. In particular, it came to my notice that he possessed a talent for getting the whole class actively participated in a heated discussion or debate.

  I was deeply impressed by his quick absorption of new knowledge and strong self-study ability. For beginners in sociology, I gave them an extensive reading list of 15 books. Although it is not compulsory, with a craving for new knowledge, he read almost all of these reference books and always came up with some brilliant ideas after reading. His devotion and enthusiasm, together with his diligence, enable him to stand out in theclass.Moreover, because of his intense interest in Sociology, I encourage him to continue to learn more aboutresearch methodology to acquire sufficient knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Then he selected Applied Statistics and Business Research to study in Business School. One area he could continue to work on is creating more opportunities to apply that knowledge to practice.

  I am deeply convinced that Mr. Yang Jiangjin’s determination and outstanding performance have qualified him to pursue further study as a postgraduate student in your university. If you have any further questions regarding this recommendation, please feel free to contact me.

  your sincerely,



  i have meet miss hao xiaoni’s for four years, being his teacher in “database structure” and her tutor in the experiment of “digital electronics”。in the class, her thinking was very active and she completely understood what i said in the lecture。 she showed her strong interest in computer science and often did further discussion with me after the class。 in particular, her experimental methods were so innovative and creative that the experiment done by her was often more intensive than required。 i was much impressed by her because of her quick thinking, serious logic and independence。 besides, she was able to sort out various problems in the experiment, having the ability in debugging of both software and hardware。


















