
时间:2024-06-11 10:36:05 唯美句子 我要投稿
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  1、Good wine needs no bush酒香不怕巷子深

  2、Where there is a will, there is a way out.

  3、We will go ashore at last in the sunshine.我们终将上岸,阳光万里。

  4、Making myself better is the only thing I want to do now.

  5、如果我说我想一个人静一静,其实我比任何时候都需要你。 If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time

  6、want it more that anything.必须之物最重要。

  7、A life without a friend is a life without sun人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有阳光

  8、The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。

  9、我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己。 I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own.

  10、It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody信任一切与不信任任何人,同样是弱点。

  11、Be thankful for your past relationships someone better suited to you is waiting out there.感谢你逝去的恋情,因为更合适的人正在

  12、Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

  13、Give everyone his due一视同仁

  14、我会用我的行动,来证明我三年后的结果。I will use my actions to prove my results in three years.

  15、Fact speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩

  16、enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

  17、give more than you planned to.多多给予,不必计较。

  18、He that doth what he should not,shall feel what he would not若做了不应该做的事,则将产生自己所不希望有的感觉。

  19、As a man sows, so he shall reap种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

  20、时间会摒弃那些滑稽的誓言,直至我们也苟同。 Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree.

  21、It is never too late to learn活到老,学到老。

  22、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

  23、苍白的月光下,我和影子述说寂寞。 Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow.

  24、A young idler, an old beggar。An idle youth, a needy age少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

  25、不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。 Don't look back, just haven't found leave your reasons.


  27、Though malice may darken truth,it cannot put it out恶意可以糟塌真理;但无法消灭真理。

  28、Courtesy costs nothing礼多人不怪。

  29、只做第一个我不做第二个谁If you can Im willing for you own prison

  30、消失的是记忆。而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆。 Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories.

  31、Do not change horses in mid-stream别在河流中间换马。

  32、Hope you know a lot and still love life.

  33、Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。 ——Samuel Johnson英国作家和评论家约翰逊

  34、Nurture passes nature教养胜过天性。

  35、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart有志者,事竟成

  36、无私是稀有的道德,因为从它身上是无利可图的。Selflessness is a rare morality, for it is unprofitable.

  37、wish knew how to quit you.多希望知道如何忘了你。

  38、Diamond cuts diamond强中自有强中手。

  39、我不会原谅任何形式的背叛would not forgive any form of betrayal

  40、幻想仅仅是幻想,童话终究只是童话。Fantasy is only fantasy. Fairy tales are only fairy tales after all.

  41、每个人生命里都会有那么一个人,让自己期待新一天的到来。 Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to the next day

  42、事常与人违,事总在人为。Things often go against people, things are always man-made.

  43、Time tries all things时间检验一切

  44、Behind the mountains there are people to be found天外有天,山外有山。

  45、逆境磨练人、逆境是老师、逆境之苦可变甜。Adversity tempers people. Adversity is a teacher. Adversity's bitterness can be sweetened.

  46、幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。 Happiness is time precipitation, smile is the lonely sad.

  47、There is more to come

  48、Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate风水轮流转。

  49、Never trust another what you should do yourself自己该做的事,决不要委托给旁人做。

  50、如果可以再相爱一次,我发誓一定用合适的方式来爱你。 If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right.

  51、Winners do what losers don't want to do胜利者做失败者不愿意做的事!

  52、If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友以经验为参谋以谨慎为兄弟以希望为哨兵。

  53、Strike while the iron is hot趁热打铁

  54、Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it谎言似荨麻,玩弄会刺手。

  55、最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。 The most qmainful distance, you are not with me but in my heart.

  56、My thoughts are deep into you我深深地想念著你

  57、Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today今日事,今日毕。

  58、love you whole had我爱你整整一个曾经

  59、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Any one thing, as long as be most willing to, always simple.

  60、丈夫志气薄,儿女安得知。The husband's ambition is weak, Ann knows.

  61、Bad luck often brings good luck塞翁失马,安知非福

  62、如若只是喜欢何必夸大成爱。 If just like why inflated into love.

  63、Custom makes all things easy习惯成自然。

  64、Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results.毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。

  65、If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die不经考验就依赖,不到瞑目便的悔。

  66、Live and let live自己生活也让别人生活。

  67、Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。

  68、May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!愿我努力精进,勤奋不懈;愿我有耐心能容忍并宽恕别人的过错,愿我能信守自己立下的诺言。

  69、Reading makes a full man读书长见识

  70、When all else is lost the future still remains就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

  71、Both happiness and sadness in our life would fade away with time.生命中无论快乐还是悲伤,终将随时光消失。

  72、The world is like a mirror:Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile,and it smiles too。世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也朝你微笑。

  73、借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。 Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

  74、Learn to walk before you run循序渐进

  75、He that once deceives is ever suspected骗人一次,受疑一世

  76、Actions speak louder than words行动比语言更响亮。

  77、When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。

  78、Every potter praises hit pot王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸

  79、Truth may be blamed,but shall never be shamed真理可能会被责难,但绝不会受羞辱。

  80、苍白的文字有谁会看出这一个人的辛酸。 Pale words who can see this person's bitter

  81、May the world continue to be alive may I still be me.祝这个世界继续热闹/祝我仍然是我。

  82、不是假装沉默,只是无力诉说。 Not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain.

  83、The truths we least like to hear are those which it is most to our advantage to know我们最不愿意听到的事实,往往是我们知道了会大有好处的事实。

  84、Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him在你信任一个人之前,先要深入了解他。

  85、青春如此短暂,可却还没学会珍惜。Youth is so short, but it has not learned to cherish.

  86、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

  87、We can't choose what happens to us, but at least, we can choose how we deal with it.生活中会发生什么,我们无法选择,但至少,我们可以选择怎样面对。

  88、Talk about love lost friend谈一场恋爱失去一个朋友

  89、Laugh Until You Cry Cry Until You Laugh笑到终于哭出来哭到终于笑出来。

  90、will give you all my love.我将给你全部的爱。

  91、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

  92、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。

  93、The whole city is blasphemous.这整个城市都亵读了神明。

  94、what a loveiy world it well be with you away.没有了你。这个世界多么寂寞。

  95、Sow nothing,reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。

  96、敢于奋斗的人,心中不怕困难。He who dares to struggle is not afraid of difficulties in his heart.

  97、A fox may grow gray, but never good江山易改,本性难移

  98、Trust thyself only,and another shall not betray thee只要信任你自己,旁人才不出卖你。

  99、If I know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我懂得了爱。

  100、Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。 ——Albert Einstein美国科学家爱因斯坦

  101、人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。There is no rehearsal in life. Every day is a live broadcast.

  102、Business is business公事公办。

  103、One is never too old to learn活到老,学到老

  104、爱是一盏永不昏暗的`明灯。 Love is a light that never dims.

  105、All things come to those who wait.苍天不负有心人

  106、幸福中总会掺加那些悲哀的元素。 Happiness by adding those sad there the elements.

  107、I hope you never lack the courage to start over agan.

  108、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑!Children without umbrellas must run hard!

  109、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。 Because when young, with a total want of good in the future.

  110、What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret得之不费力,弃之不可惜。

  111、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算

  112、生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。 Life is apure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.

  113、Experience is the mother of wisdom经验是智慧之母。

  114、Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted人生应该树立目标,否则你的精神会白白浪费。 ——R Peters美国法学家彼得斯

  115、You will not be the same as think you want me你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

  116、It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open 创业容易守业难

  117、Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。

  118、有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放。 sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom

  119、Believe in yourself相信你自己!

  120、只有千锤百炼,才能成为好钢。Only through hard work can we become good steel.

  121、When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is duty, life is slavery工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。

  122、Though a lie be well drest,it is ever overcome谎言装扮虽不错,到头总会被揭露。

  123、Life is half spent before we know what it is人过半生,方知天命。

  124、Throughout life, we rely on small groups of people for love, admiration, respect, moral support and help整个一生,我们都有赖于从一些人群中获得友爱赏识尊重道义支持和帮助。

  125、Your father's honour is to you but a second-hand honour对于你来说,父亲的荣誉只是间接的荣誉。

  126、A leopard cannot change its spots积习难改


  1、Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than the loss itself and making a bigger mistake than the mistake itself. So never regret.后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪。后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误。所以不要后悔。

  2、He that can’t endure the bad, will not live to see the good.忍不了痛苦,就见不到幸福。

  3、When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place.每当你想要放弃的时候,就想想是为了什么才一路坚持到现在。

  4、Success is falling nine times and getting up ten. 成功就是跌倒九次,第十次仍会站起来。

  5、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。

  6、“You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.” Fish said to water.“But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water.鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。

  7、The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.过去是痛楚的,但我认为你可以逃避,也可以向它学习。

  8、If you see me as an option, then maybe I should just see you as a memory.如果你把我当成一个选项,我会把你当成一段回忆。

  9、Have to experience some uncertainty to willing to cherish the present.非要经历一些无常,才能甘愿珍惜当下。

  10、Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.让每一天都有机会成为你人生中最美好的一天。

  11、When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.当生活给你100个伤心的原因,你就还它1000个微笑的理由。

  12、Everything will be ok in the end, if it"s not ok, it"s not the end.所有的事情到最后都会好起来的,如果不够好,说明还没到最后。

  13、enrich your life today, yesterday is history. tomorrow is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

  14、Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.请记住,幸福不是目的地,而是行进中的漫漫旅程。

  15、Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don"t leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。

  16、Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。

  17、There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, so you may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered. There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten. Nevertheless, doesn’t the unseen exist for sure? Will the remembered remain forever?生命中,不断地有人进入或离开。于是,看见的,看不见了;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?

  18、Deep in everyone"s heart, hides the evidence of one"s own eternity.每个人的内心都隐藏着自身不朽的证据。

  19、Promise yourself to accept life as it comes and truly make each day special.努力让自己接受生活的本来面目,让生命的.每一天变得意义非凡。

  20、Everything will be ok in the end, if it"s not ok, it"s not the end. 所有的事情到最后都会好起来的,如果不够好,说明还没到最后。

  21、No matter how bad things get,something good is out there,just over the horizon.不管事情变得多坏,在不远的地方,相信总会有一些美好即将来临。

  22、Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.无论过去如何,未来总是崭新的。

  23、Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying.梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西。

  24、Even if I"m not strong enough now, but for you, I"ll try to be stronger.即使我也不够坚强,但我永远都会把我的坚强为你绽放,为了你而变得更坚强。

  25、No one has the right to judge you. They might have heard your stories, but they didn’t feel what you were going through.没人有权利评断你。他们也许听了你的故事,但他们并没有感受过你所经历的。


  1、Do not change horses in mid-stream别在河流中间换马。

  2、无私是稀有的道德,因为从它身上是无利可图的。Selflessness is a rare morality, for it is unprofitable.

  3、Cried enough, you will go, injury will be good哭过了就好了,你都会走的,伤也会好的。

  4、The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return最伟大的'事情,莫过于去爱,同时也被爱。

  5、Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move. 人一生中出人头地的机会不多,一旦有了一定要抓住机会。

  6、I’ve had my head tilted up to the stars.It wasn’t meeting them.It was meeting you.海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。

  7、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something。 A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams。 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

  8、Bad luck often brings good luck 塞翁失马,安知非福

  9、丈夫志气薄,儿女安得知。The husband's ambition is weak, Ann knows.

  10、lander is spoken. In print, it’s libel.中伤是口语,印出来就是诽谤。

  11、One is never too old to learn 活到老,学到老

  12、Both happiness and sadness in our life would fade away with time.生命中无论快乐还是悲伤,终将随时光消失。

  13、The secret of success is constancy to purpose。成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。

  14、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

  15、Nurture passes nature教养胜过天性。

  16、A fox may grow gray, but never good江山易改,本性难移

  17、If I know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我懂得了爱。

  18、The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too。世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也朝你微笑。

  19、To the time to life, rather than to life in time to the time to life, rather than to life in time.给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。

  20、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It’s making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

  21、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑!Children without umbrellas must run hard!

  22、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning. 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。

  23、Trust thyself only,and another shall not betray thee 只要信任你自己,旁人才不出卖你。

  24、Behind the mountains there are people to be found天外有天,山外有山。

  25、最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。 The most qmainful distance, you are not with me but in my heart.

  26、When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

  27、Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault 无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。


  1.Always be a first-rate version of yourself.

  2.Keep trying!Don't give up the ship.

  3.I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.

  4.The rough road often leads to the top.

  5.The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.

  6.Think big goals and win big success.

  7.I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

  8.Never, never, never, never give up.

  9.Sculpting in time of memories,years precipitate the feelings,because once touched,so unforgettable。

  10.If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change.

  11.I am going to give this day my very best, so that I may rest my head with deep satisfaction tonight.

  12.Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

  13.Thank you for this gift of a whole new day. I am grateful.

  14.You are more beautiful than you think.

  15.Life is too short to be anything but happy。

  16.What today will be like is up to me , I get to choose what kind of day I will have.

  17.Expectation is the root of all heartache.

  18.When the world says,"Give up!"Hope whispers,"Try it one more time.

  19.It is alright for you to feel wronged or have a good cry,but you should not let others see your weakness.

  20.Strike while the iron is hot.

  21.It requires hard work to give off an appearance of effortlessness.

  22.Whether you fail or fly, at least you tried.

  23.Beauty is all around, if you just open your heart to see.

  24.You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

  25.Throughout life's complications, you should maintain such a sense of elegance.

  26.If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved。

  27.A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams.

  28.Let me make the world a better place by shining my light today.

  29.It's better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all.

  30.Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.

  31.There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.

  32.Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.

  33.How can I best serve the Universe today?


  1、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.

  2、This often exits in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20.

  3、all things are difficult before they are easy.

  4、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.

  5、I will greet this day with love in my heart.

  6、It's great to be great , but it's greater to be human.

  7、knowing something of everything and everything of something.

  8、My indifference is the pride that you don't understand.

  9、The person’s value, is decided at the moment of luring.

  10、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!

  11、Nothing in the world will stop me from loving you.

  12、One has no reason to end his life .Living is itself happiness.

  13、the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.

  14、Times change, and we change with them. by Anonymous.

  15、To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.

  16、Victory won't come to me unless I go to it.

  17、You have to believe in yourself.That’s the secret of success.

  18、Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.

  19、Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity

  20、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission.

  21、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

  22、Some good friends become distant insensibly,even you do not know why.

  23、They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.

  24、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

  25、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.

  26、The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.

  27、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

  28、I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, burned, and broken, but it still works.

  29、Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

  30、You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have.



  As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of being far away.


  Indifferent to worldly affairs, the mood is like floating clouds.


  More joy, Chang'an Ning.


  As long as we move towards the goal, we are moving forward.


  Dare to admit mistakes and take responsibility.


  If you don't believe it, you will never succeed.


  The husband does not make the children farewell, Linqi tears stained clothes towel.


  Life gives you back as much as you give.


  Ability is not in the face, ability is not in the mouth!


  To live is to be born and live.


  Think for others, but live for yourself.


  Learn to put down, in order to go faster and farther.


  With dreams, they should be implemented quickly and effectively.


  Only by enduring loneliness can we have prosperity.


  Hard work is the attitude of life.


  Persistence is the most important, difficult and successful.


  Phoenix is the habitat of phoenix trees.


  Free up and live!


  To be angry is to punish yourself with the mistakes of others.


  Dream is a vision of a better future.


  Life is depressed by dreams.


  Inferiority is the use of the strengths of others against their own.


  It is better to be angry than to strive for success, and to complain is better than to change.


  Everything is light, just understand it by yourself.


  People's growth lies in learning and experience.


  No one will let me lose unless I don't want to win.


  Cherish the present, do not wait for the loss of regret.


  Every time I cry, I wake up.


  No one's luck came out of thin air.


  Where there is a will, there is a way.


  When a river runs out, perseverance never collapses.


  I would rather laugh and cry than cry and say regret.


  Life is a pursuit, but also an understanding.


  It's up to you to decide what kind of person you are.


  Every test, there is a harvest.


  If you have a dream, don't be afraid of pain. If you want to win, don't stop!


  Life is really tired. It depends on how you taste it.


  If you are smart, don't be lazy.


  Impossible, can only stay in the present forever.


  A person's attitude determines his height.


  Every pain is the pillar of growth.


  Today's tears will be your growth tomorrow.


  Try when it's time to try, never give up.


  Advise you to stand up to bitter ambition, in the middle of the laurel from help Shu.


  Don't be too proud of yourself.


  Don't worry, just do it yourself.


  Living, everyone has fatigue and confusion.


  The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying.


  You can turn around at any time, but you can't go all the way back.


  You can be confused, but never degenerate.


  People who can't let go are always lost.


  If you don't change your heart, white hair is new.


  Dream is the satisfaction after success.


  No hard work, no success.


  Strive for the present and harvest the future!


  It's better to change than to complain.


  Old heart, not long road.


  Living is a kind of practice!


  No difficulty, no gain.


  I'm not afraid that I'm not satisfied, but I'm afraid I can't think of it.


  1.生命苦短,你应该过得开心些。 Life is short and you deserve to be happy。

  2.你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。 You cannot change what you refuse to confront。

  3.如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求,不要管别人是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦想的方式。 If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved。

  4.生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。 Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain。

  5.世界真的很小,好像一转身,就不知道会遇见谁;世界真的很大,好像一转身,就不知道谁会消失。 The world is such small,it's like when you turn around,you don't know who you will see. The world is so big,as if when you turn around,you never know who will disappear.

  6.不要轻易放弃旧朋友。因你不能找别人代替他。友情就像酒,越旧越好 Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

  7.不要为别人怎么看你而烦恼。别人的看法并不重要,重要的.是你怎么看待你自己。 Give up worrying about what others think of you. What they think isn't important. What is important is how you feel about yourself。

  8.不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。 You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。

  9.有些好朋友,真的是不知不觉就疏远了,你连原因都不知道是什么。 Some good friends become distant insensibly,even you do not know why.

  10.我为自己的心感到骄傲。它曾受戏弄,曾经心焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动。 I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, burned, and broken, but it still works.

  10. No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.


  11. 如果可以再相爱一次,我发誓一定用合适的方式来爱你。 If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right.

  12. 不是假装沉默,只是无力诉说。 Not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain.

  13. 任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Any one thing, as long as be most willing to, always simple.

  14. 我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己。 I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own.

  15. 每个人生命里都会有那么一个人,让自己期待新一天的到来。 Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to the next day

  16. 最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。 The most qmainful distance, you are not with me but in my heart.

  17. 没有了你。这个世界多么寂寞。 what a loveiy world it well be with you away.

  18. 只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。 Because when young, with a total want of good in the future.


  The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past


  When his weapons win he is defeated himself


  What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow


  The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven


  The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies


  Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness,with her silent steps of love

  阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在”光“ 后边。

  You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long


  The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move


  The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East


  The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth


  They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back


  Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes


  The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness


  That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life


  The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom


  To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world




  Things often contrary to people, things always in the.


  Failure is a matter, should not be a person.


  Fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong.


  Victory belongs to the most tenacious.


  Accumulation of soil for the mountains, water and for the sea.


  Secretly sad, not as immediate action.


  Experience is the extract of suffering.


  Success has not been rejected never long.


  You can do more than you can imagine.


  Success, often live in the failure of the next door!


  As long as the road is right, is not afraid of the road.


  Life is like climbing, step by step.


  If you are brave, you are your best friend.


  No matter success or failure, you will keep on your own.


  Don't let the comfort of our life.


  Where there is a will not be high, there will be hundreds of years old.


  Only a bad ax, there is no chopping firewood.


  You are better than the people who lie in the grave!


  Success is not an important thing, it is an important effort.


  Choose what you love, and love what you choose.


  Without a cold biting cold, how fragrant plum blossom?


  To unconditionally confident, even when you are wrong.


  Not to find an excuse for failure, only to find a way to success.


  The horse is running out, therefore is playing out.


  Their choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it.


  Dared not country, things will still be found.


  Being angry is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong.


  The horse soft easy to stumble, greedy easy demoralization.


  Never give up is the only secret of your dream to come true.


  Without great difficulty, there will be no great cause.


  Do what you fear, and fear that the nature will disappear.


  Life is pain, it is thought and philosophy to make it.


  To shake hands is not to be friendship, blame is not necessarily hostile.


  Forget the pain of yesterday, the rise of the sun in the face of tomorrow.


  The only people who can not get through the world, there is no way to go through the road.


  One's life is full of struggle, only struggle can succeed.


  You must jump off the cliff and give birth to the wings in the air.


  The winners of life will never lose their courage in the face of setbacks.


  There is no such thing as failure for an indomitable man.


  Youth is the only time we have the power to weave our dreams.


  For the best results, let's go crazy for the end.


  The first net open, to find the entrance of fish nets.


  The weak with tears to comfort themselves, the strong with sweat to hone their own.


  Success never give up on anyone, only if you give up your success.


  Am I dead? No, so I can't live like a dead one!


  The conquest of today, coward lamented yesterday, idle waiting for tomorrow.


  Feel that they do and do not, in fact, just at the moment.


  The opportunity to progress for people to open, mediocre never patronize.


  The persistent pursuit of the greatest happiness of the people, is the winner.


  A good seed will not sow, nor will it bear fruit.



  Always remember that success is more than anything.


  A real general is a spell.


  A man's success is not determined by his wisdom, but by perseverance.


  If the talent to the sword, so hard is the grindstone.


  Give up will not lose too much not overdo sth..


  It had high dense bamboo brook, do not hinder baiyunfei.


  About a person's success, not the ability, but the choice.


  Success is when others fail.


  It is only a perfect dream, close to the broken.


  My descent means that my destruction and the old, so I kept flying.


  Don't let the comfort of our life.



  Life is full of choices, and the attitude of life is everything.

  28、生命不止需要长度,更需要宽度。 Life needs more than length.


  Eagle wind strong, Pengfei wave spring.


  For each adverse condition, there is a favorable condition for the existence of the opposite.


  Today's advantage will be replaced by tomorrow's trend.


  Don't want to be able to jump a thousand miles, only hope that every day can go one step further.


  Be kind to others, understand others, love life, and work hard.


  There is no so-called luck or bad luck, everything has to be a result of.

  35、努力把平凡的日子堆砌成伟大的人生。 Trying to make the ordinary day a great life.


  The biggest difference between a great man and an ordinary man is to cherish the time.


  Not fanatical pay, should be ashamed of crying.


  People in the world practice, the knife on the stone grinding.


  If we want more roses, we must plant more trees.


  Don't succumb to misfortune, it should be more bold, more aggressive to the unfortunate challenge!

  41、命运,你残忍的诉说着我的悲痛。 Fate, you are cruel to tell my grief.


  If a person is not infected by bad habits, happiness is near.


  To win oneself to succeed.


  Where really try to help people who do not help themselves.


  Have confidence, work hard, success in the front.


  You are not brave, no one for you to be strong.

  47、没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑! No umbrella child must strive to run!


  Forget the pain of yesterday, the rise of the sun in the face of tomorrow.


  Efficiency comes from diligence. shortage in the play.

  50、含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 Sow in tears, harvest.


  To change the pain, but not to change their own will endure hardship.


  Left for the king of the times, to survive is to become the industry leader.


  Don't give up your dreams even if the halo is no longer.


  You can stick to your ideal, but you don't need to be stubborn.


  You can have a personality, but at some point, please.


  Although the tender shoots, but it is not afraid of stress, dare to struggle, dare to stand out.


  The faster the run, the greater the resistance encountered. Resistance and achievement.


  When you slack off, please think about your parents look forward to the eyes.


  Lotic brave person can appreciate the wonders of scenic rivers.


  It is not the gods that can burn the pottery, there will always be a man who can learn the craft of fine workmanship.


  Usually do not run out of Wei km, accounting for the difficult to carry out a one hundred meter sprint.


  Life is like the ocean, only the strong willed person can reach the other shore.

  63、如果我没有,我就一定要,我一定要,就一定能。 If I did not, I must, I must, must be able to.


  The paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice.


  Don't lament the pain of life! Lament is weak.


  The most important thing in life is that you never lose yourself.


  The day after tomorrow, how many tomorrow? Tomorrow never comes。


  A person who does not pay attention to the small things will never succeed in the big business.


  There are things we can't control, we have to control ourselves.


  Life does not sell back and forth, once leaving, never to return.


  Explanation is the most meaningless thing. Life is not a few words.


  No longer in their prime years, day difficult morning. Timely when encouraged, time waits for no one.


  Think deep should first retreat, when you can be satisfied.


  Accumulation of soil for the mountains, water and for the sea.


  Youth is a beautiful thing; a youth is a crime.


  The future is fantastic and beautiful, and the future is full of vitality and hope.


  Winners never give up.


  Time is like a wagons, it depends on the speed of our hands whip.


  The easiest things in the world, the most difficult to delay time.


  A truly great man is the man who makes others see what it is.


  1、Having one heart and being faithful are the gentlest power in the world.


  2、Never lose the child-like wonder.


  3、However long the night, the dawn willbreak.


  4、are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.


  5、man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


  6、Softhearted and embarrassed, really will kill myself.


  7、Don't be discouraged; it's often the lastkey in the bunch that opens the lock.


  8、Everyone of the people who says she or he doesn't want to be in love. There must be someone without possibility in their hearts.


  9、Everything is always more beautiful reflected in your eyes.


  10、Live for today and stop stressing out abouttomorrow.


  11、Give so much time to improving yourselfthat you won't have time to criticize others.


  12、there be enough clouds in your life tomake a beautiful sunset.


  13、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will beright here waiting for you.


  14、Words are knives and often leave scars.


  15、Destiny determines who comes into our livesbut it’s the heart that decides who stays inside.


  16、Every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives to himself.


  17、am not afraid of storms, for I amlearning how to sail my ship.


  18、Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on.


  19、Give free to him when you fall in love andgive free to love when you don’t love.


  20、Don’t let the past steal your present.


  21、Follow your heart, but be quiet for a whilefirst. Learn to trust your heart.


  22、do not know where to go, but I have been on the road.


  23、Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.—Maria Robinson


  24、fear being alone. Because in this world, there must be a person, walking hard towards you.


  25、Don't focus too much which will let youdown.


  26、Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.


  27、When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there. Life is not a race, so take it slower.


  28、person has at least one dream, there is areason to be strong.


  29、not worry, the best always in the most casual.


  30、Resolve that whatever you do, you will bring the whole man to it; that you will fling the whole weight of your being into it.


  31、change in history, all advances, come from the nonconformists. If there had been no trouble-makers, no Dissenters, we should still be living in caves.


  32、Some people succeed because they aredestined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to!


  33、It's not easy to grow up. Some don't, somedon't want to and some pretend not having been grown up.


  34、Don't give up the things that belong to youand keep those lost things in memory.


  35、Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.


  36、Nothing could stop me dreaming the beautiful life.


  37、not try to rush things that need time to grow.


  38、Every time you come to mind, I realize I'msmiling.


  39、life is not always full of multiplechoices, but application questions, which need us to prove little by little.


  40、Don't give up when you are able to fly.


  41、Sometimes you ve got to care less to see if they ll care more.


  42、However the world fails you, never forgetyour mercy and kindness that lies within.


  43、It's OK to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do something really, really brave.


  44、can't have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday.


  45、Don't compare your life with others. There'sno comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time.


  46、matter how much I practice I can't make drawings of you pretty enough.


  47、Whatever is worth doing is worth doingwell.


  48、need to believe that something extraordinary is possible.



  1、A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.


  2、Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.


  3、Johan Wolfgang Goethe: Man errs so long as he strives.


  4、Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion.


  5、It’s not easy to change friendship into love. But it’s even harder to turn love into friendship.


  6、Michael Jackson 《You Are Not Alone》: I can hear your prayers. Your burdens I will bear. But first I need your hand then forever can begin.


  7、When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.


  8、The better to have loved and lost; Than never to have loved at all.


  9、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.


  10、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

  11、In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.


  12、True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart.


  13、When it comes to family, we are all still children at heart. No matter how old we get,we always need a place to call home.


  14、Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.


  15、Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve.


  16、Franois Rabelais: A child is not a vase to filled but a fire to be lit.


  17、The greatest things are done by the aid of small ones.


  18、Three important things in relationships: eyes that won’t cry, lips that won’t lie, and love that won’t die.


  19、Dont ever let your enemies see you fall, all they want is to see you mess up, don’t give them the pleasure. Be strong, prove them wrong.


  20、Byron: I am never away from you. Even now, I shall not leave you. In another land, I shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.


  21、 Some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel, is just like some people, is doomed to be unable to substitute.


  22、 Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience.


  23、 It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you, it's even tougher to pretend that you don't mind.


  24、 Love isn’t complicated, people are.


  25、 Many of the things we desire are expensive. But the truth is, the things that really satisfy us are totally free –love, laughter and working on our passions.


  26、 We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.


  27、 You never really forget the ones who touched your heart; regardless whether it's the ones who broke it or the ones who healed it.


  28、 Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.


  29、 Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.


  30、 I’m sorry that I can’t make myself unhappy to please you.


  31、 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.


  32、 To be lonely is not because you have no friends, but there is no one in your heart.



  1、Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.

  2、Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

  3、The world is his who enjoys it.

  4、Nothing is impossible!

  5、You think you can, you can.

  6、The shortest answer is doing.

  7、Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

  8、Everybody wants happiness nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

  9、Life is not all roses.

  10、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.

  11、Keep on going never give up.

  12、By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it.

  13、Do one thing at a time, and do well.

  14、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

  15、Don't give up and don't give in.

  16、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.

  17、Pain past is pleasure.

  18、Someday, you will find the one, who will watch every sunrise with you until the sunset of your life.

  19、Take control of your own desting.

  20、The encounter is a beautiful, met a favor, and knowing each other is a blessing.

  21、Winners do what losers don't want to do.

  22、Experience is the mother of wisdom.

  23、Victory belongs to the most persevering.

  24、Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.

  25、Bravery never goes out of fashion.

  26、Quitters never win and winners never quit.

  27、Live your life and forget your age.

  28、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.

  29、I feel strongly that I can make it.

  30、You're uinique, nothing can replace you.

  31、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.

  32、Understand yourself in order to better understanding others.

  33、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

  34、Where there is life, there is hope.

  35、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.

  36、When all else is lost the future still remains.

  37、For man is man and master of his fate.

  38、Energy and persistence conquer all things.

  39、A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything.

  40、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.

  41、Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed .

  42、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

  43、Do what you say,say what you do

  44、Learn and live.

  45、Its great to be great , but its greater to be human. ---W. Rogers

  46、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.

  47、Can accompany you laugh a lot of, can accompany you to go very few people.

  48、Every noble work is at first impossible.

  49、The voice of one man is the voice of no one.

  50、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.

  51、Ability is what you’re capable of determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it..

  52、All things come to those who wait.

  53、Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

  54、If I had not been born Napoleon, I would have liked to have been born Alexander.

  55、The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.

  56、Ones real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany)

  57、Work makes the workman.

  58、Circumstances? I make circumstances!

  59、You have to believe in yourself . Thats the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor )

  60、Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

  61、Believe in yourself.

  62、Jack of all trades and master of none.

  63、Sow nothing, reap nothing.

  64、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

  65、Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle ·

  66、While there is life there is hope. ·

  67、Sometimes the words said by mouth, are not the ones meant by heart.

  68、Sometimes life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

  69、You have to believe in yourself. That‘s the secret of success. -- Charles Chaplin

  70、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

  71、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

  72、Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.

  73、Birth is much, but breeding is more.

  74、Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

  75、Never, never, never, never give up.

  76、We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.

  77、Zero in your target,and go for it.

  78、There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self.

  79、Hang on to your dreams.

  80、Walk the road you want to walk and do what you want to do , keep moving ahead and that’s not the silence of failure.

  81、Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains

  82、Storms make trees take deeper roots.

  83、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.

  84、Constant dropping wears the stone.

  85、A man can't ride your back unless it is bent.

  86、From small beginnings comes great things.

  87、Learn to walk before you run.

  88、Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

  89、Nothing seek, nothing find.

  90、Courage is like love; it must have hope to nourish it.

  91、Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely.

  92、Life is but a span.

  93、Big mouthfuls ofter choke.

  94、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.

  95、Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.

  96、All things in their being are good for something.

  97、Worrying never stops the bad stuff from happening. It just keeps you from enjoying the good.

  98、Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you’ve set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .

  99、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions.

  100、The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.

  101、Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. -- J.H. Newman ·

  102、I can because i think i can.

  103、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.

  104、Sweat is the lubricant of success.

  105、Let bygones be bygones.

  106、To an optimist every change is a change for the better.

  107、The first step is as good as half over.

  108、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.

  109、Nothing for nothing.

  110、If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure.

  111、Action speak louder than words.

  112、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

  113、He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.

  114、Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.

  115、Happiness is straight for ward: you and I sit together to chat and laugh, and do some stupid things.

  116、Energy and persistence conquer all things. -- Benjamin Franklin

  117、Nothing in the world will stop me from loving you.

  118、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison·

  119、There is a friendship, no less than love; relations are not ambiguous; talk has been confided; the outcome is always difficult family dependents; This is the friend!

  120、Adversity is the midwife of genius

  121、Victory won't come to me unless I go to it.

  122、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.

  123、Live well, love lots, and laugh often.

  124、Give more than you planned to.

  125、To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.

  126、In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different。

  127、Other men live to eat, while I eat to live.

  128、The secret of success is constancy of purpose.

  129、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.

  130、A man's best friends are his ten fingers.

  131、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.

  132、Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.

  133、Judge not from appearances.

  134、The word 'impossible' is not in my dictionary.

  135、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. -- Bernara Shaw

  136、The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.

  137、We can't choose what happens to us, but at least, we can choose how we deal with it.

  138、He who seize the right moment, is the right man. -- Goethe ·

  139、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

  140、Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life.

  141、All things are difficult before they are easy.

  142、Don't mind what others said,how to evaluate you. You are you, only you, you unique, irreplaceable.

  143、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.

  144、The good seaman is known in bad weather.

  145、Time will never change and stop for any person.

  146、While there is life, there is hope.

  147、A great ship asks for deep waters.

  148、Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.

  149、Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through.

  150、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.

  151、Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.

  152、Between two stools one falls to the ground.

  153、A bold attempt is half success.

  154、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.-- Mattin Luther King

  155、Wasting time is robbing oneself.


  1、The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.


  2、The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness.


  3、What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.


  4、The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.


  5、The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies.


  6、The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.


  7、Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.


  8、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


  9、That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.


  10、The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.


  11、The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven.


  12、They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.


  13、You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


  14、Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness,with her silent steps of love.

  阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在”光“ 后边。

  15、The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past.


  16、When his weapons win he is defeated himself.




  The greatest failure in life is to give up.


  Whether I am doomed to wander all my life, can not find the way to come, can not find the way home, good morning world!


  The world can do it easily and effortlessly. Poverty and aging are the only things that need to be done.


  Frustration is the stumbling block of the weak and the stepping stone of the strong.


  Every successful person has to go through the dark unknown. The strong man is not without tears, but can run forward with tears in his eyes.










