
时间:2024-05-29 13:19:55 自我评价 我要投稿











  1. 性价比高:多设计院工作经验,已获得一级注册建筑师证 ;

  2. 效率高:吃苦耐劳,能熬夜加班,工作效率质量放第一;

  3. 综合性能好:身体好,熬夜加班摧不垮,有坚强的意志和体魄;理论基础好,建筑学科班出身,基础坚实;实践经验好,在设计院做了多年理论联系实践的工作;涉猎广泛,除了建筑和规划,对房地产业和国家经济规律同样熟知。

  4. 人缘好:团结同事,联系同学,求学于名师,广交朋友,有团队精神,集体荣誉感强。

  5. 沟通能力好:理性听取,感性表达;性格稳重开朗,乐观向上。

  6. 组织协调能力好:担任工程主持,负责与甲方沟通,并管理设计团队,协调建筑、结构、水、暖、电各专业人员协同工作,完成完整项目。




  Since entering the university strict demands on themselves, and consciously study, and actively participate in the practice of various sports, and enhance individual comprehensive ability and all aspects of quality.

  Ideology, the pursuit of advanced, pragmatic, willing to forge ahead, positive and progressive. In the school as a student cadre during the strict demands on themselves, a serious and responsible, helpful, and actively carry out student activities, enrich students life between classes, and consciously assist the class cadre, the Department of cadres planning, organizing various sports activities, have a certain ability and The enthusiasm to participate in the work. In many activities by the teacher's recognition and the recognition of students. Learning, love of professional, good grades, practical experience. I take the initiative to put into practice, and actively participate in social practice. In the work from the unfamiliar to the familiar, from a loss to be handy. On this basis, gained a lot of practical experience, establish a strong sense of responsibility, dedication, improve their language, communication, organization, work ability and the Aspects of quality. For the future in the real position of the work to establish a solid foundation, provides a strong backing.

  Life, cheerful, generous, like with people, style, practical and helpful.Often participate in the activities carried out in the department, and in the activities of positive, upward, strict demands on themselves, and many times in the hospital, department, class style competition with students to achieve outstanding results.

  Five years of college life, constantly enrich themselves, to enhance their own but also accurate and timely understanding of their own shortcomings and shortcomings, but I believe the future of learning life, in the practice of tempering, will avoid weaknesses, continuous improvement, Constantly improve and grow!






  一、 成长与发展——现实中所有公司最根本内在需求。



  二、 公司的现实目标——公司赖以存在的根本原因





  1、管理不在于 “知”,而在于“行”。







  2、制定目标的五大原则:具体 可核定 可实现 相关性 时效性


  目标管理把经理人由控制下属变成与下属一起设定共同认可的客观标准和目标,让他们靠自己的积极性去完成。促使被管理的人用目标和自我控制来管理,即自我评估,而不仅仅是由外人来评估和控制。 必须抛弃陋习,引进新的工作方式和生活习惯,包括要订立目标、妥善计划、分配时间、权衡轻重和权力下放,加上自我约束、持之以恒才可提高效率,事半功倍。



  5、本部门要做几件基本的事情: 要制定本部门目标实行项目管理制度是一个比较受欢迎的措施 从事组织协调工作

  技术部与生产部、技术部与采购部、技术部自身各级人员均要充分协调、沟通,减少不必要的时间,加快工作进度 建立绩效衡量标准每个人的业绩评审按公司规定的标准进行审核,奖惩分明,激励与鞭策同举建立一个作风良好团队,齐心协力的深入协作, 能使全体成员的能力倍增,绩效将远超过多人的单打独斗; ? 建立图纸管理制度图纸的发布按规定的流程,加强图档的查阅管理,实行分级授权制,不同部门、不同级别人员可查阅图纸的重要性有所区别;加强图纸的出图审核,减少不必要的损失; 建立档案资料备案制各种资料按顺序条理存放,分门别类,有预见地设置门类目录,以方便查阅;












  I am engaged in maintenance for three years, proficient in soldering iron technology, hot air gun technology, skilled analysis of electronic circuits to explain, familiar with the introduction of new products into the maintenance work flow and maintenance of all types of electronic products and abnormal analysis work can deal with abnormal production line And can analyze and complete the maintenance report. Work hard, practical, meticulous and patient, self-motivated, hands-on ability, diligent in thinking and summarizing, creative; can Chikunailao, a strong organizational skills and team spirit; cheerful, warm, Adapt to the environment and strong, easy to interact with people. I am warm and open-minded, can quickly adapt to the new environment, learn new knowledge, master new skills. Give me a chance, I will use my practical actions to prove your choice, I believe your trust and my strength can bring us a common success!

  I am honest and cheerful, diligent and pragmatic, have a strong ability to adapt and coordination, responsibility

  Strong team spirit, responsible for the work will pay all the energy and enthusiasm to develop well-planned, and strive to reach the target in the shortest possible time; the same time, the team will be able to communicate with each other, Like challenges, in a relatively short period of time to adapt to high-pressure work.









  我最初参加测试工作的时候,不知道什么是软件测试,集成测试和系统测试的概念经常混淆, cmm 是什么就更加不知道了。那时候最简单的开关机也是通过直接拔插电源完成,安装系统对我来说简直是有史以来人类的最高技能,对于那些拿着螺丝刀安装机器的人就以为是宇内超级高手,身具杀人于无形之尽世秘技。拿破仑说不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵,我最初的梦想就是想成为软件测试的高手,傲视天下。所以不断偷师,总结经验,自以为把握了成为高手的几个秘技,这几年混迹 “ 江湖 ” 还算无往而不利。不敢独享,看与吾辈测试职员切磋,早日总结成功密技之大成,助新进职员早日进门,也算不愧对东北活雷锋的称号。

  第一招 学会利用网络

  刚参加工作面对浩瀚的网络世界,当时如刘姥姥进大观园,什么都新奇,什么都想要,从网上下载很多源程序的代码,软件技术文档之类,恨不得把所有的`好东西收集得手中,实在有些在他人看起来就是垃圾一堆。当时觉得有了这些 “ 武林秘籍 ” ,成为高手指日可待。最初参加工作由于自己工作努力有幸转为开发,加进项目组后我的习惯还是没有改,反而变本加厉,手中的资源更加多,上网的时间更加频繁。

  一次项目经理分配任务,觉得依靠手中的秘籍加上自己的 “ 聪明才智 ” 很快会完成,不料短短的时间,所有的一切变成了马奇诺防线。解决题目很慢,思路不清楚,项目经理在对我施压的过程中教会了我终身难忘的一招,学会利用网络寻找要解决题目的答案,从此

  google 成了我的最爱,关键字成了我变化的招数。在软件测试工作中,他帮我解决了很多疑难题目,解答了很多令我迷惑的地方。也是我帮助测试同行解决题目手段之一,很多软件测试新手,甚至老手都没有意识到自己手上就握有 “ 无敌秘籍 ” ,所以只要你耐心找,答案就在身边。







  有的时候用词组搜索不到或者无法正确表达所需信息。可以用另一种方法直接到信息源,就是直接到到提供某种信息的站点往。可以用公式往猜测某一组织的特点。从而得到所要搜索的信息的主要词组 实在网络上还有很多关于搜索技巧的文章,大家可以自行学习。千万要记住搜索引擎是帮助你成功的有力武器。

  第二招 学会动手

  参加软件测试工作后,随着工作经验的增长自我感觉越来越好。在公司里也逐渐受到同事领导的重视,一次针对公司的新的软件功能进行测试的时候,像往常一样 “ 随手 ” 测试出了几个 bug ,然后 “ 仔细 ” 的填写了 bug 单(这个 bug 的现象已经出现了很多次了)。这时候测试经理走过来,重新复查了一下填写的 bug .他在重现我的 bug 的过程中,简化了我的输进变化, bug 神奇的又出现了,同样的现象,他封闭软件重新变化输进,扩展出 10 几个变化后,软件不动了,内存不断上升。终于他找到了产生软件的 bug 的原因,然后对我说 “ 寻找 bug 要正确定位,我们开发团队是一个整体,时间是等量的,时间不在你身上浪费,就是在他身上浪费。假如测试职员每次发现的 bug 描述不清楚,并且多个题目潜伏的错误原因是一个,固然操纵可能稍微有些变化。这样开发职员在重现 bug 的时候他要调试跟踪判定,很花费时间,而且效率低。假如测试职员发现 bug 的时候多动手可以更加正确的定位 bug 步骤和原因,给开发职员最精确的步骤和正确的描述,这样整个团队才能高效,所以需要大家协作!。 ”



  大学中我活泼开朗、乐观向上、适应力强、勤奋好学、脚踏实地、认真负责、坚毅不拔、吃苦耐劳、勇于迎接新挑战,较强的团队精神 。







  大学中我活泼开朗、乐观向上、适应力强、勤奋学、脚踏实地、认真负责、坚毅不拔、吃苦耐劳、勇于迎接新挑战,较强的'团队精神 。






  Review of my work in the 20xx years, although some results, but there are some shortcomings, is my work in the 20xx years from the following aspects to do a brief summary:

  1, to strengthen the safety of the new approach to staff education: the workers did not enter the labor service security personnel before the request, the staff in time after the entry into the staff of the roster and ID card copy of the project department, I and labor team safety After the staff members have agreed on the time for safety education, they will be responsible for the preservation of the education materials and image materials of the staff members after the safety and fire safety examinations of the staff and workers are conducted in the conference room of the project department.

  2, do a good job in sub-sub-item security technology to disclose the information: in the sub-sub-construction of the project before the combination of the relevant regulatory requirements and the construction site environment and operational safety precautions for targeted security to the end, after review by the Chief Engineer Issued to the labor team. Safety at the end of the main against the labor team security officer, in the security at the end of the labor team must be marked again to each team, and then in the construction work supervision team operators can work in accordance with the Ministry of the Ministry of security.

  3, safety information: in accordance with the construction site in Hebei Province safety data management procedures and relevant regulatory requirements for safety data collection and collation, a total of 12 safety information, in accordance with safety information requirements of the regular sub-items for security checks, and labor units In accordance with the safety inspection problems rectification period, and within the specified time for the rectification of labor service units review.

  4, construction site safety and on-site civilized construction situation: in the field of safety inspections to strengthen the monitoring of major hazard sources, and to develop a list of major construction site safety hazard, such as foundation support, scaffolding, crane, etc. Monitoring, on-site Linbian protection, reserved hole, elevator shaft protection, stairs protection, on-site temporary electricity to check every day before work.

  Tangshan area because of the wind is usually relatively large in the wind when the time to inform the labor team security personnel to prohibit high-altitude operations and temporary operations and tower crane drivers to prevent large winds in the operation and lifting of large material accidents occurred in the summer pay attention to staff temperature Operations and winter fire conditions. In the routine inspection found that there are security risks to inform the labor team to rectify and notify the team issued a security risk notice, and asked the team within the specified time rectification is completed, if not completed the rectification of the labor team will be economic Punishment, to strengthen the implementation of the rectification of the labor unit to track the situation, efforts to eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents in the bud, but at various times when the labor team is not in accordance with the requirements of the project department issued a notice of stoppage, in the daily work of the manager I have made substantial progress in my work with the help and support.

  5, staff quarters and living areas of health: the dormitory management difficult, the labor units in the dormitory management is relatively weak, dormitory and living area health environment is poor, the phenomenon of private wire pull chaos is serious, workers use rice cookers, rice cookersCooking and winter use of electric heating and electric mattress phenomenon is more serious.

  In order to staff quarters and living area health management, in the project department under the leadership of the strong support and decision-making, increased the staff quarters and living area management. Requiring the labor unit on a monthly basis to arrange for the daily life of public areas to clean the staff quarters to take unscheduled safety and health checks. After a number of inspections and rectification, staff quarters and living area health has been greatly improved, but there are still problems.


  Only blame the time flies too fast, do not give us any leeway. Four years of study and life quietly slipped from the fingers in the four years of study and life, I have been thinking, learning and life in strict demands on themselves, and continue to strive for. Looking back on the passing of the years, this time not only to enrich the self, but also let me make a lot of mentor; this time is not just an unforgettable, but let me pain Mingxin. I never regret it, because I have been here. Now I want to self-identification.

  In ideology, I am honest, patriotic and law-abiding, adhere to the ideological and realistic style, the courage to pursue the truth, with a strong sense of patriotism and a high degree of social responsibility. I not only abide by the rules and regulations of the school, has a good ideological and moral qualities, and outstanding performance in all aspects. I always remember that he is a glorious Communist - production - party members, with a strong sense of collective honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical things, pay attention to personal moral self-cultivation, and willing to help others, concerned about national affairs.

  I have learned how to use English knowledge to carry out general business activities, and also to develop a good habit of learning and working seriously. I have successfully completed this course and have A strong ability to listen to English to read and write. But also willing to share with the students learning experience, and even help students solve difficult problems. On office software and other popular software can be proficient in operation, and passed the National Computer Examination and the National English network test. I have also achieved building safety officer certificate and accounting qualification certificate, and through efforts to obtain the title of Assistant Engineer. I usually read a lot of literature, psychology, marketing and extracurricular knowledge and theory with practice, so that my ability to work has been greatly improved!

  In life, I advocate a simple life, and develop good habits and decent style. In addition, I approachable, treat people friendly, so people have been getting along very harmonious. And in the stage, I get down to work, make full use of their own professional knowledge and practice of the combination, by the leadership and colleagues alike.

  In the future, I will make persistent efforts to constantly improve themselves, and strive to become a good worker, do a comprehensive development of the socialist builders, to be a country, the community useful person. I believe that these experiences and accumulation will become a valuable asset in my life on the road. In the future work and study, I will continue to carry forward and carry forward the style of rigorous scholarship, work conscientiously, and strive to achieve greater success.


  During the four years of the university, I have worked hard and pragmatized and innovated. I have constantly strengthened my comprehensive ability while perfecting my professional knowledge structure, so as to continuously enrich myself, mold myself and improve myself. This has laid a solid foundation for me to enter society.

  In the mind, I am strict self-discipline, and actively requested progress, outstanding performance in all aspects, in November 20xx to join the Communist Party of China - and the party, and participate in preparatory party training courses, won the CPC XXX University Committee Twenty-two preparatory party training course "outstanding students" honorary title.

  At work, I always maintain a passionate heart and a high sense of responsibility, work conscientiously, and can do the best, after careful summary. During the university, I have served as a member of the class organization, monitor, the Organization Department of the Ministry of Communist Youth League, the third phase of the preparatory party training class and other duties. During his tenure, I seriously carry out the work of the College, the party layout and successfully completed. During the holidays, I also actively participate in social practice. These exercises make my social adaptability, management, organization and coordination ability to be greatly improved, team spirit and competitive consciousness has been further strengthened, also let me in dealing with matters of the ways and means more flexible, and was named 20xx " XXX outstanding league cadres. "

  In learning, I study the correct attitude, learning objectives clear, good academic performance. Especially familiar with the use of computerized accounting software, UF software, and proficiency in the operation of the Windows family of operating systems and Office series of office software, can use Visual

  FoxPro basic skills to operate, for the future onto the work to lay a solid foundation, in addition, I also seriously study the professional knowledge.

  In life, I am strict with oneself, wider than others, adhere to principles, dare to criticize and self-criticism. In life, I care about students, helpful, as I can enthusiastic to help students, usually actively participate in party life and college classes and collective activities, spare time attention to strengthening the body.


  多年大型项目建筑施工现场管理经验,负责工程技术、进度、质量、成本、安全等方面管理。熟悉建筑施工规范及验收规范;熟悉项目运作全程,掌握各工程技术要求。能有效组织、领导、协调总包和各分包单位各项工作,严格履行合同要求,完成即定的质量、进度、成本目标。爱岗敬业、以身作则具有较强的团队协调管理能力。持有建筑专业中级职称(证件号××××××××××)并取得全国一级建造师资格证(证件号××××××××)。熟练使用autocad、office系列办公软件。 本人知识面丰富,自我调节能力极佳,身体健康,能长期保持良好的.工作状态。性格淡泊,生长于军人家庭,有极强的自律能力,具备团队合作意识。工作态度认真负责,履行岗位职责力求完美。先后任职于中建一局,中建-大成公司等单位,长期从事施工总包方现场管理工作,熟悉总包方,发包方及监理方的项目管理流程,对施工组织,施工工艺,沟通协调等方面深有心得。于××年第一批考取了全国注册一级建造师,努力成为一名出色的项目经理(生产经理),体现自己的人生价值。
















